Storage & Renewables Electrifying Cyprus (INTEGRATED/0609/74 ), “RESTART 2016 – 2020”

Storage is a necessary component of Renewable Energy generation and use. Storage forms a significant part of any roadmap leading to high penetration levels of RES in any Grid. In autonomous Grids and Systems as in Cyprus the need of storage is of high priority in terms of safety, efficient use of infrastructure, RES penetration, emissions reductions, local added value and sustainability.
During the course of this proposal screening of existing storage & hybridization technologies, development of novel storage & hybrid technologies suitable for applications in the Grid and the demand needs of Cyprus, examination of the applicability of smart Grid storage at various scales and activity levels, quantification of the implications of these technologies at all levels of Grid operability, RES penetration, cost of energy, infrastructure efficiency & development, local added value and sustainability are among the project goals. Additionally the proposal aims to removing the regulatory and administration barriers thus permitting storage/hybrid applications. Finally has the goal to apply knowledge generated during the course of this proposal to set up, at ready-to-built level, two medium scale demonstration storage/hybrid plants suitable to attract investors who will built and operate them.
By the end of the project it is expected that storage and hybridization methodologies suitable for Cyprus will be ready to develop in terms of both technology, siting, scale, administrative and licensing issues and two demonstration plants will be ready to built by interested investors.
RTD Talos Ltd (Coordinator)
Hystore Tech Limited
Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority
Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry
Kalero Limited
Frederick Research Center (FRC)